Enzyklopädie eng

Zweite Enzyklopädie von Tlön

A ten years bookart project by Ines von Ketelhodt and Peter Malutzki. If our foresight is not mistaken, a hundred years from now someone will discover the hundred volumes of the Second Encyclopedia of Tlön,  Jorge Luis Borges wrote in his tale Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius. After fifty years his text was animation and source of inspiration for a project that the artists did understand as the attempt to reconstruct the Second Encyclopedia of Tlön. From 1997 to 2006 they published fifty volumes in an edition of 40 numbered and signed copies. They all have a unified format of 12.5 by 20 cm, the spine thickness varies according to the bulk of the volume. The covers are of various materials (cloth, paper; printed or unprinted), but all within a range of light to dark grey. Each volume carries a spine label, printed with the first four letters of its keyword. Flörsheim/Oberursel/Lahnstein 1997–2006. There is a website about the project:  www.tloen-enzyklopaedie.de

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